Thursday, December 13, 2018

Trump, MAGA and QAnon vs Deep State Secret Societies

Donald J.Trump's rise in politics from billionaire entrepreneur to President was spearheaded with the resurgence of the tea party movement branded with a slogan recycled from the Reagan Campaign proclaiming to (MAGA) Make America Great Again. Since elected and during his campaign, it has been a talking point that what is desperately needed in Washington D.C. is to "drain the swamp". The fact is that the swamp is entrenched deeper and backed by even darker figures than most anticipated, including President Trump. Since the beginning of his administration, an anonymous figure or figures have emerged on the dark web via 4 & 8 chan known simply as "Q" or "QAnon".

The operation mockingbird mainstream media (MSM) has dubbed QAnon as a conspiracy theory pushed by the fringes of the MAGA Trump movement. Simply summarized, QAnon claims to be a "white hat" insider working with forces behind the scenes within the deep state apparatus who are quietly preparing to drain the swamp. Q also claims that unsealed indictments have been filed and military tribunals will be held for those who are/were involved in the deep state take over of the United States government.

Although it has become trendy and commonplace to refer to this "deep state", very few people can actually put a finger on what it truly is or represents but know instinctively that it does not have the Constitution, Bill of Rights and American sovereignty at heart. While being told that we must get out and vote in order to make a difference, we have watched in the most recent election, fraud and corruption run rampant in front of our faces and we are seemingly helpless to do anything about it.

What is this deep state that seems to have more power than the President of the United States? Can the MAGA patriots, the mysterious Q and President Trump really drain the swamp and hold the deep state responsible for their treasonous activity against the American people and their individual sovereignty? Why is President Trump so disliked by the MSM, RINO's, Democrats, and world leaders alike? In order to grasp the reality of the situation the American people are in, one has to understand the origins and goals of these deep state secret societies in which President Trump has become a target of. As "former" CFR member Newt Gingrich stated during President Trump's run for office, he never joined "the club" and that is why he is a threat.

Who and what are these deep state secret societies and how deep is the rabbit hole? 

Without diving too deep (at this point) into the history of the Federal Reserve bank and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which are multinational private banking institutions owned by a few untouchable families, we need to take a look at the organizations that they have created. The most important political organization spawned by the international banking cartel and globalist forces is called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Unbeknownst to the average citizen, the CFR overwhelmingly influences Global policy and is at the heart of the political world Union. Its birthplace was during WWI when President Woodrow Wilson held a secret meeting known as "the inquiry" to plan a globalist post-war solution that centered on the removal of national and economic barriers while opening up free trade. After WWI concluded and during the Paris peace negotiation, Wilson organized a meeting to war game the idea of forming an Institute to guide foreign policy. The inquiry, the Fabian Society, and the Rhodes Round Table Group would later form the Institute of International Affairs in the United States and the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England. On July 21, 1921, the American entity officially changed its name to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
CFR funding originally came from a collection of bankers including JD Rockefeller, JP Morgan and Paul Warburg. Today's funding mainly comes from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Starr Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, the Ford Foundation, the German Marshall Fund, the McKnight Foundation, the Dillon Foundation, GM and others which are tax exempt and are funded by banks.
The CFR is the head of the snake for other powerful globalist organizations that publishes foreign affairs which is the most prestigious Journal read in foreign policy and is the major policy-making institution of the American upper class. The CFR includes roughly 2670 fellows of the top leaders in government, business, education, labor, military, media and banking. The CFR has 38 affiliate organization and its objective is to bring about the surrender of national sovereignty and the Independence of the United States. Some believe the CFR and Trilateral organizations are the vehicles to bring about a world government. A very high number of officials of every recent Administration have been members of the CFR.

The Trilateral Commission specializes in promoting World Government by encouraging economic interdependence among the world's superpowers. It is a derivative of the CFR that began on July 23, 1972. The Trilateral Commission was formed by Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski and was inspired by his book called "between two ages". The trilateral commission believes in a global government, a global monetary system and a global tax policy. It wishes to bring about Global Technocratic Socialism and we can expect that Western nations will be enslaved to support 3rd world nations at their detriment.

The Bilderberg Group, which had remained a "conspiracy theory" until recently is yet another highly influential group that is sponsored by the banks, the Rothschild's and the Rockefeller's along with other globalist forces. Some powerful Freemasons consider the Bilderberger Group to be the most stealthy and Sinister secret society of all. It consists of approximately 100 of the power elite from the NATO countries, mostly consisting of CFR members.
The Bilderbergers were founded in 1954 by Prince Bernard at the urging of Lord Victor Rothschild to bring together the world's most powerful figures once a year to meet on an agenda that is always kept secret. Bilderbergers are basically an unofficial CFR that is expanded on the international scale. The Bilderberger foundation was created to bring about the union of all European nations into one economic, geopolitical, and militaristic entity. Their goal is unsurprisingly the same as the CFR's which is to bring about world government under the same model.

Included in the mix of the elite globalist organizations is the Club of Rome which was formed in 1968. This organization contains less than 100 members who are all CFR members. The club of Rome is alleged by some to report to the little-known committee of 300. It claims to understand how the world will survive pollution, war, Industrial Development, overpopulation, and similar problems. They also claim to hold the keys to world peace and global prosperity through a world government.
In 1973 the Club of Rome released a report that was complete with contrived futuristic apocalyptic problems and offered corresponding and supposedly ingenious resolution models for peak oil, population explosions and the global warming hoax disasters. Its purpose is to oversee the regionalization and then ultimately the unification of the entire world, which it has divided into 10 political and economic regions. This organization is one level higher than the Bilderbergers.
Another organization that operates at the top of the secret society pyramid is called the Skull and Bones. This is a secret Fraternal Order that strictly operates out of Yale University.  Its graduating members make up the "cloak-and-dagger" inner circle within the CFR that controls the CFR. The order is considered to be the stepping stone to the CFR, Bilderbergers and the Trilateral organizations. Only 15 members per year are initiated, limiting total active membership between 500 - 600 at a time. Associating with the members of skull and bones equates to socializing with the world's elite class. With an emphasis on their family heritage and Bloodlines, they arrange marriages to protect and advance their genetic "blue blood" and also help to support each other in their quest for financial, political and genetic dominance. All of these forces above are at work in all international governments at all levels, including the United Nations.
The founding of geopolitical/economic organizations with a Masonic pyramid of money is one aspect of globalism, but we cannot forget their second power of influence... think tanks. The primary goals of these think tanks are to influence and manipulate education as well as public opinion by producing studies and reports that promote globalist ideals. They further include a secondary objective which is the degradation of Christian credibility. Think tanks are neither concerned with truth or facts, only their political ambition to promote globalism in the face of their enemy, Christianity.
The findings of these think tanks perpetuate unsupported theories of deception that media then quote as fact for the persuasion of public opinion.  Education systems force feed these deceptions as fact in textbooks to diabolically deceive the young, preparing their naive minds for world government. These conclusions are not conspiracy theories. They are facts openly available for all to research.

There is a threefold strategy for world government that is being waged through Freemasonry, education and the infiltration of the Christian church. The goal is to impose unproven scientific theory as facts and then to employ the press to maliciously brainwash the masses by skillfully backing up the lies. Two of its greatest accomplishments are Darwinism and Marxism then followed by socialism, Nazism and the creation of the global warming and overpopulation deceptions. Hitler was a firm believer in Social Darwinism and a Theosophical offshoot known as Ariosophy .
Darwin was profoundly influenced by mysticism and frequently attended seances. The Theory of Evolution likely emanated out of Darwin's devotion to mysticism and Samskara. This is a material world prison philosophy of earthly atheism, a perennial philosophy where humans are perpetually cursed to be born and die in nature, but the spirit eventually evolves to godhood throughout the internal process. Hence, Darwin developed a derisive, degrading philosophy, funded by the Royal Society to dismiss monotheism.

The task of modern education is to destroy Christianity and prepare the world to accept World Government without violence. Educators are succeeding in directing the minds of the masses to believe in vain conceptions, fantastic theories, and Progressive ideas manifested in all forms of literature and entertainment to obscure the real truth of their true objectives.
The press and media are further drafted in support of these causes. The media has been targeted by the Liberals commissioned by Freemasonry. Media organizations are bound together with professional secrecy and Masonic solidarity that acts as a watch-guard over the greater ideals. Secret societies use the media so they can remain undiscovered, ensuring the media support their grandiose made up theories such a Darwinism and global warming. At one of the recent Bilderberg meetings, David Rockefeller praised the media for doing their bidding and keeping the Group secret for so long.
CFR people now dominate and control education worldwide. The first objective was to promote socialism and globalism within the education system, preparing the youth for the New World Order (NWO). The Rockefeller fund has a one world strategy with an explicit global perspective and an emphasis on the convergence of national and international frameworks. Educational institutions adopted the views of John Dewey, the father of progressive education. Dewey was a self-professed atheist who did not believe in moral absolutes (Christianity). The second directive in the preparation for the NWO is to discourage Christianity in the youth through the state-run educational system.
When people reach adulthood, they have been completely indoctrinated against Christian thought, thereby embracing doctrines upheld by deceptive beliefs and religions, complete with the idea of world Unity (global gov.t) at any cost. Our youth have been well-prepared for Gnostic revelations that will break modern Christianity to pieces through the de-deifying of Jesus. The media attempts to discredit Christianity with lies and slander that would incite violence and revolution if they were used against any other religion. Christianity MUST be destroyed so that the entire world will accept the future Antichrist.
Christianity and American sovereignty are the only real forces that these secret societies recognize as a legitimate threat to the establishment of a one world government. They plan to destroy them leaving only an unrecognizable remnant and then they will come rushing in to reshape the remnants and offer their "Novus ordo seclorum" (new order of the ages) and a new Universal Religion.
Helena Blavatsky & Henry Ocoltt
Globalist pantheism was reinvented as theosophy by the legendary Helena Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott on November 17, 1875.  Blavatsky Was born a Russian Aristocrat and spent her childhood studying the occult. Blavatsky published an enormous composition on ancient mythology called "Isis Unveiled". Her final work, "The Secret Doctrine", is a commentary on the Book of Dzyan, supposedly written in Atlantis. Blavatsky believes there have been five intelligent races to occupy the earth and we are 5th and the Atlanteans were the 4th.
During the Middle Ages, theosophist philosophy was a part of Masonry, medieval mysticism, and Rosicrucianism. The theosophical society adopted alchemy and hermetic traditions to build a bridge between science and religion, endeavoring to develop the spiritual powers of humanity. Theosophy evolved to become the nucleus for a universal brotherhood and a definitive synthesis of all religions. It has declared itself to be the all-encompassing universal ultra religion of the future.

Theosophy's foundation was originally set in Esoteric Buddhism and contained a hierarchy of secret Masters or avatars. Theosophist philosophy is most noticeable among the religious systems of India, China and Egypt. These adepts, Sages and Secret Masters are revered as highly evolved men who have acquired divine power and who endeavor to develop the New Man on earth. Blavatsky conducted seances in which she revealed letters from this ascended Order of Masters, who she referred to vicariously as the Great White Brotherhood.
Evolution of the Soul (spirit) is at the heart of the theosophist religion. Theosophist believe that when the spark of life, the evolving Soul, reincarnates into the highest life form in sufficient numbers, humankind will ascend to a higher plane of being. Theosophist also believe the human ethos first took human form on planets other than Earth. The last planet was Mars, and the next planet will be Venus. At the end of this age, theosophist believe worthy humans will ascend to become the "architect" of future universes... like Lucifer. Many people have promoted theosophy over the last century, including many powerful dignitaries of our age. The New Age movement of today is nothing more than an offshoot of theosophy that draws all of its inspiration from the theosophy occultism of the last century.
Alice Bailey was a major supporter of the theosophical society. Bailey founded the Lucis Trust, originally known as Lucifer's press, an offshoot of the theosophical society designed to publish the teachings from her Spirit Guides. She also founded the Theosophical Network in 1961, which has established esoteric schools and organizations such as World Goodwill, which formed another occultist organization called World Union which are all dedicated to implementing world government. Bailey's esoteric schools teach occult philosophy received by Bailey from her purported Tibetan Spirit guides to initiate a "new group of world servers" to assist The Masters of the Great White Lodge. The White Lodge in theosophist and occult systems is a secret "Brotherhood of Advanced Souls" that forms the hidden government of the world.
Bailey stated that Freemasonry is the training school for advanced occultist. The Lucis Trust and its derivative organizations are part of the highest levels of Freemasonry. All globalist organizations link directly back to both Pantheistic and Masonic organizations that report to the Great White Lodge. All are fanatical enemies of Christianity.

Armed with the information above, one has to fully appreciate the difficult and precarious situation President Trump finds himself in. These are not new powers he is up against but are old powers that have been operating in the shadows for decades on the managerial level. Where does QAnon fall within these groups? Is it even possible to have a white hat organization with enough power to confront the evils of old? People are sometimes apt to have faith in the possibility that humanity will be able to escape the clutches of these clandestine and sinister groups in spite of the odds stacked against it. Only time will tell.

Now that we have a basic overview of the managers and belief system within the deep state secret societies, we can now go a little deeper down the rabbit hole and touch on what some claim to be the hidden hand controlling all of these aforementioned organizations that is commonly referred to as... the Illuminati.

 Ephesians 6:10-13 (KJV)

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

(To be continued)

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