Friday, November 16, 2018

Deep State Prepares Sealed Indictments & Extradition of Julian Assange

Copy and paste error exposes sealed indictment & incompetence of DOJ

AP and others are reporting that the Justice Department has prepared sealed indictments for the arrest and extradition of WikiLeaks founder and deep state corruption whistle-blower Julian Assange. The former ineffective DOJ head Jeff Sessions made it his priority to charge and bring in the rogue truth teller that was a thorn in the side of the Clinton Campaign in 2016. It is unclear if the new revelations of sealed indictments and the posse mounting up for extradition are a result of leftovers from the ousted Sessions or if this is something President Trump is pushing for.

It is hard to believe that the President is pushing for this since he mentioned Assange many times during the 2016 campaign. President Trump campaigned on transparency in government and it almost seemed like a possibility that Assange might be able to secure a pardon similar to what Obama did for Chelsea Manning.

The copy and paste error was released in an unrelated indictment and confirmed by an anonymous source. Since this is the MSM... take that for what it is worth. The hunted WikiLeaker's name appears on the 3rd page of the unrelated indictment in which Joshua Stueve, a spokesman for the Eastern District of Virginia who had been investigating Assange said, “The court filing was made in error. That was not the intended name for this filing.”

Barry Pollack, a lawyer for Assange, released a statement saying...
“The news that criminal charges have apparently been filed against Mr. Assange is even more troubling than the haphazard manner in which that information has been revealed. The government bringing criminal charges against someone for publishing truthful information is a dangerous path for a democracy to take.”
 Assange has been residing in the Ecuadorian Embassy for 6 years and as of late has been living under virtual prison like conditions. He fled to the embassy when he was accused of rape charges in Sweden but those charges have since been dropped. He now seems to be a prisoner of what some used to call whistle-blowing and anti-governmental corruption journalism. Since truth in journalism is not very appreciated by the deep state you are exposing, I imagine Mr. Assange believes he would not get a fair shake in the U.S. Federal court system which has a conviction rate of 93% .

It is sad sad day when we can no longer stop the "deep state" world wide from doing whatever it pleases and criminalizes those that expose their criminal behavior. Who is running the Department of Justice? Do elections count? If one were to look at the open theft of the 2018 election then one might be inclined to come to the conclusion that these politicians and their worker bees do not fear consequences for their criminal behavior because they are comfortable in the knowledge that they are above the law.

What is Assange's crime? Exposing the following crimes and scandals:

  • 2009
    • Congressional Research Service reports
    • Contributors to Coleman campaign
    • Climategate emails
    • Barclays Bank tax avoidance
    • Internet censorship lists
    • Bilderberg Group meeting reports
    • 2008 Peru oil scandal
    • Nuclear accident in Iran
    • Toxic dumping in Africa: The Minton report
    • Kaupthing Bank
    • Joint Services Protocol 440
    • 9/11 pager messages
  • 2010
    • U.S. Intelligence report on WikiLeaks
    • Baghdad airstrike video
      • 3.2.1 Chelsea Manning
    • Afghan War Diary
    • Love Parade documents
    • Iraq War logs
    • State Department diplomatic cables release
  • 2011
    • Guantanamo Bay files
    • The Spy Files
  • 2012
    • The Global Intelligence Files
    • Syria Files
  • 2013
    • PlusD
    • Prosecution and prison documents for Anakata
    • Spy Files 3
    • Draft Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement IP Charter
  • 2014
    • Trade in Services Agreement chapter draft
    • Australian bribery case suppression order
  • 2015
    • TPP Investment Chapter
    • Sony archives
    • Trident Nuclear Weapons System
  • 2016
    • DNC email leak
    • Podesta emails
    • Yemen files
    • PlusD
    • German BND-NSA Inquiry
  •  2017
    • CIA espionage orders
    • Vault 7

You can bet your top dollar that what really got him in trouble with the deep state New World Order crowd is what he revealed about the Bilderberg meeting as well as the things in 2016 and especially 2017. It seems to go without saying in this day and age that if you are a journalist that opens the closet of government corruption, you must prepare yourself to be attacked by the skeletons while everyone turns a blind eye.

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