Tuesday, December 18, 2018

State Department Head Echoes CFR Policy For "A New Liberal World Order" to Avoid WWIII

 How a World Order Ends - And What Comes in Its Wake

In a previous article titled "Trump, Maga and Q Anon Versus Deep State Secret Societies", it was explained that one of the most important organizations to the so-called "New World Order" is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The most important publication of this group is called "Foreign Affairs".
The upcoming January/February 2019 issue of foreign affairs will be covering the history of what they call the "World Order" and the inevitability of World War 3 if the architects of the Old World Order do not re-invent themselves and remain in charge in the face of the current global awakening.The title of the article is "How a World Order Ends - And What Comes In Its Wake."

The article begins by admitting that we have lived in this so-called World Order for quite some time even though it has been considered a conspiracy theory up until recently with the advent of the internet.
"A stable World Order is a rare thing. When one does arise, it tends to come after a great convulsion that creates both the conditions and the desire for something new. It requires a stable distribution of power and broad acceptance of the rules that govern the conduct of international relations. It also needs skillful statecraft, since an order is made, not born. And no matter how right the starting conditions or strong the initial desire, maintaining it demands creative diplomacy, functioning institutions, and effective action to adjust it when circumstances change and buttress it when challenges come."
The Council on Foreign Relations may be lamenting over the fact that Donald Trump, a populist who claims American Sovereignty over Globalism, has come to power in conjunction with the world seemingly ready to blow up with a new found world wide nationalism that is rejecting globalist policies such as third world population redistribution via the forced migration of military-aged men under the guise of Syrian persecution.  As of 12/11/2018,  many countries have signed on to the migration pact with the UN called the "Global compact for migration", collectively agreeing to take in millions of migrants with its distribution quantities and locations dictated by the United Nations.

One of the founders of the Trilateral Commission and CFR member Zbigniew Brzezinski (father of MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski) once addressed the CFR and warned them that most of the world has become politically awake and to combat that, it was easier to kill a million people then it was to control a million people.

Throughout this article the CFR is trying to analyze and angle itself to once again be in control of this New World Order on top of the destruction of the Old World Order saying that,
"Eventually, inevitably, even the best-managed order comes to an end. The balance of power underpinning it becomes imbalanced. The institutions supporting it fail to adapt to new conditions. Some countries fall, and others rise, the result of changing capacities, faltering wills, and growing ambitions. Those responsible for upholding the order make mistakes both in what they choose to do and in what they choose not to do. But if the end of every order is inevitable, the timing and the manner of its ending are not. Nor is what comes in its wake. Orders tend to expire in a prolonged deterioration rather than a sudden collapse. And just as maintaining the order depends on effective statecraft and effective action, good policy and proactive diplomacy can help determine how that deterioration unfolds and what it brings. Yet for that to happen, something else must come first: recognition that the old order is never coming back and that efforts to resurrect it will be in vain. As with any ending, acceptance must come before one can move on."
Recently, Secretary of State Pompeo went before the United Nations where the so called "Old Order" began and said that President Trump was starting a New Liberal International World Order because the old order no longer applies to the world today.
Surprisingly, the article then goes on to give a history of the Old World Order, covering its beginnings after WWI and "out of the ashes" of World War II and explains how they maintained power throughout the Cold War and Beyond.  
The globalist ask the question "what ails the order?" They explain that,
"..lessons need to be drawn from history as much as anything else, the rise and fall of major Powers determine the viability of the prevailing order, since changes in economic strength, political cohesion, and military power shape what states can and are willing to do beyond their borders." 
The globalist technocrats go on to admit that with the rise of new technologies, A New World Order can be built up around it which is called a technocracy. They explain that,
"because orders tend to end with a whimper rather than a bang, the process of deterioration is often not evident to decision-makers until it has advanced considerably."
The CFR confirms what most "conspiracy theorist" have been saying for decades, that two parallel orders have been operating for most of history after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union backed by a nuclear deterrent. Even in a manufactured and divided world, the two power centers agreed on how the competition would be waged. It was an order based on means rather than ends and there were only two power centers so this made such an agreement easier to reach and to publicly manipulate.

Even though Mike Pompeo says they wish to build a New Liberal Order, the CFR, as if they wrote his talking points admit,
 "The other post–World War II order was the liberal order that operated alongside the Cold War order. Democracies were the main participants in this effort, which used aid and trade to strengthen ties and fostered respect for the rule of law both within and between countries. The economic dimension of this order was designed to bring about a world (or, more accurately, the non-communist half of it) defined by trade, development, and well-functioning monetary operations. Free trade would be an engine of economic growth and bind countries together so that war would be deemed too costly to wage; the dollar was accepted as the de facto global currency."
Because of this cooperation the UN was allowed to flourish but now may be teetering on the edge of its viability without certain measures.
The Council on Foreign Relations goes on to say that both orders have deteriorated and there is now a stalemate between Russia and NATO and the status quo is in jeopardy. The globalist use their mockingbird fake news media narratives to suggest perspectives from both sides of the Old Order,
"Although Russia has avoided any direct military challenge to NATO, it has nonetheless shown a growing willingness to disrupt the status quo: through its use of force in Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine since 2014, its often indiscriminate military intervention in Syria, and its aggressive use of cyberwarfare to attempt to affect political outcomes in the United States and Europe. All of these represent a rejection of the principal constraints associated with the old order. From a Russian perspective, the same might be said of NATO enlargement, an initiative clearly at odds with Winston Churchill’s dictum “In victory, magnanimity.” Russia also judged the 2003 Iraq war and the 2011 NATO military intervention in Libya, which was undertaken in the name of humanitarianism but quickly evolved into regime change, as acts of bad faith and illegality inconsistent with notions of world order as it understood them."
According to these globalist, the "liberal order", as the CFR calls it, is deteriorating just as authoritarianism is on the rise in places like China and Russia but also the Philippines, Turkey and Eastern Europe. They are clearly aligning what we considered the New World Order and what is now considered the New.. New World Order against those in the east.

It was clearly evident from the beginning of President Trump's Administration that globalist PNAC neocons positioned themselves at the highest levels in the White House and dictated that the National Security Strategy of the United States would be focused on a clash with Russia and China. Throughout his 2016 election campaign, President Trump was repeating that there was no reason why we could not normalize relations with Russia as opposed to Hillary Clinton wanting World War 3 with them. This was about the time the CIA/FBI was manufacturing the Russian collusion narrative in order to force the President to take a stronger stand on Russia. It once again seems that foreign policy does not change easily when globalist minions are operating at the highest levels of all of the world wide intelligence agencies and bureaucracies within the US deep state apparatus.
The CFR goes on to talk about the ineffectiveness of the UN and EU with the "powershift" of Brexit and nationalist disturbances throughout the EU and around the world. While continuing to push the global warming hoax, they are also concerned about,
"the spread of technology into far more hands than ever before, including a range of groups and people intent on disrupting the order." (Woke Folks)
They claim that the current Old World Order proponents are ineffective using fake news from Syria and the Saudi led military intervention in Yemen as examples. The globalist seem to understand that President Trump will not be a willing participant in the New.. New World Order so they will have to manipulate world events in order to drag him into such agreements by having him believe the New Liberal World Order will not be like the old but based on sovereignty with the US leading the way. I know this New sounds like the Old but we are through the looking glass with these people... white is black and black is white.
The globalist are trying to figure out how to go about "managing the deterioration".  They say that,
"Resurrecting the old order will be impossible. It would also be insufficient, thanks to the emergence of new challenges."
The CFR offers up new suggestions that mirror the old suggestions by bolstering weak States with foreign interventions as well as trying to,
"integrate China and Russia into Regional and Global aspects of the order." 
Unbelievably, the article openly admits the US has been at the heart of building up the old order.
"more than anything else, the current reflexive opposition to multilateral-ism needs to be rethought. It is one thing for a world order to unravel slowly; it is quite another for the country that had a large hand in building it to take the lead in dismantling it." 
They call for the United States to get its house in order by addressing the debt, rebuilding infrastructure and the public indoctrination centers (schools), as well as dishing out more welfare and, "adopting a smart immigration system" by letting more migrants in. They claim that all the divisiveness in the United States cannot serve the New World Order well and would not be able to compete against a Chinese order that would be illiberal.
 Finally, the CFR comes to a conclusion on what world order is needed going forth. They basically say that a world wide crash would show the folly of Nationalism and Independence thus creating an atmosphere ripe for intervention.
"A new democratic, rules-based order fashioned and led by medium powers in Europe and Asia, as well as Canada, however attractive a concept, would simply lack the military capacity and domestic political will to get very far. A more likely alternative is a world with little order—a world of deeper disarray. Protectionism, nationalism, and populism would gain, and democracy would lose. Conflict within and across borders would become more common, and rivalry between great powers would increase. Cooperation on global challenges would be all but precluded. If this picture sounds familiar, that is because it increasingly corresponds to the world of today."
The CFR globalist believe that the world is not yet in a systemic crisis so now is the time to make sure,
"one never materializes, be it from a breakdown in U.S.-Chinese relations, a clash with Russia, a conflagration in the Middle East, or the cumulative effects of climate change. The good news is that it is far from inevitable that the world will eventually arrive at a catastrophe; the bad news is that it is far from certain that it will not." 
According to the CFR globalist, the only way out of this inevitable World War 3 catastrophe would be the birth of this New.. New World Order. If history teaches us anything its that when these globalist feel like they are losing control over the minds of the masses, they need some world event to wrestle back control so they usually resort to the Hegelian Dialectic. They will create a world wide catastrophe and watch as the world falls apart and then they can come rushing in as saviors with the solution...The New Liberal International New World Order.

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