Wednesday, November 21, 2018

President Trump Reveals That The Military Industrial Complex & Oil Cartels Run US Foreign Policy

One of the reasons I backed President Trump in 2016 is that he was willing to articulate the cold hard facts about the deep state swamp that was running the District of Criminals, formally known as Washington D.C. In a recent informal press briefing President Trump was questioned about his decision not to further punish Saudi Arabia for the death of the Jamal Khashoggi, a controversial US-based columnist for The Washington Post, who has been critical of the kingdom and had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. President Trump said oil prices would 'skyrocket' if the US made a "terrible mistake" to break with Saudi Arabia and that he was only focused on "putting America first".

As a candidate, President Trump had called Saudi Arabia out on being the worlds largest state sponsor of terrorism saying that they are using, "our petro dollars - our very own money - to fund the terrorists that seek to destroy our people, while the Saudis rely on us to protect them!" 

Shortly after taking office President Trump must have been taken aside and schooled about the Wahhabi kingdoms importance when it comes to the US petrodollar and world reserve currency. As he stated at the White house, if the US does not capitulate to Saudi Arabia they could bring down the US economy by dropping the US dollar as its preferred method of payment for oil from all other countries.

How Is The US Petrodollar Tied To Saudi Arabia?

After World War 2, the US had the largest gold reserves in the world. After winning the war, the US was able to tie the currencies of the world to the US dollar at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 through a fixed exchange rate of $35 an ounce of gold, making it the worlds reserve currency. All countries now had to use US dollars for international trade.

Eventually, runaway spending on warfare and welfare caused the US government to print more dollars than it could back with gold at the promised price and by the 1960s, the number of dollars circulating had drastically increased compared to the amount of gold backing them. This encouraged foreign countries to exchange their dollars for gold, draining the US gold supply. President Nixon “temporarily” suspended the dollar’s convertibility into gold in 1971 which was the last time the dollar was ever backed by gold.

From 1972 to 1974, President Nixon, Henry Kissinger and the US government made a series of agreements with Saudi Arabia that created the petrodollar system in order to ensure the US dollar remained the world reserve currency. The US chose Saudi Arabia because of the kingdom’s large oil reserves and its dominant position in OPEC. Saudi Arabia would now use its position in OPEC to ensure that all oil sales would be completed in the US dollar, guarantee the price of oil remain at an acceptable price and promise to buy from American weapons manufacturers, infrastructure companies and most importantly, purchase US Treasuries. This let the US issue more debt and finance previously unimaginable budget deficits at the international banking oligarchs delight.

With the recent emergence of the petro-yuan from China, which IS backed by gold, the US is in quite a precarious situation. If Saudi Arabia were to become disenfranchised by US foreign policy then they could simply decide to drop the US dollar as the preferred method of payment for oil and move towards Russia and China as President Trump suggested. This would immediately make the dollar worthless and slide the United States into an economic situation that would make the Great Depression look like a cake walk.

The US Produces More Oil Than Saudi Arabia & Russia

For the first time since 1973, the United States is the world's largest producer of crude oil, according to preliminary estimates published by the Energy Department so why are we still beholden to Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia is the most Orthodox of the Muslim sects where woman are treated a little better than dogs and has been involved in what amounts to genocide in Yemen for 3 years. Why is the US propping up this regime when we have the ability to be self sufficient as well as become the masters of our own destiny when it comes to oil production?  It is not that oil is as scarce as many have been preaching but that it is so plentiful due to new technology in extraction. Now that the US dollar is tied to the price of oil, the cheaper the oil.. the more worthless the fiat paper currency.

In the end, President Trump is stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he upsets the US relations with Saudi Arabia by not selling them US manufactured arms then they could easily sell off the US treasuries and look east for those weapons driving America into a scorched earth similar to what is mentioned in the Book of Revelations. Not surprisingly, the Democrats and the Corporate operation mockingbird MSM are bashing him for trying to keep the US from falling into the abyss because they are globalist at heart and want his "America First" "MAGA" agenda to fail so that their dream of a One World Government can come to fruition.

Eventually the petrodollar will crash and burn, either from the national debt which amounts to around 250 trillion dollars (adding unsecured liabilities) or the instability in the oil prices and reserve currency status. The NWO international banking families need a scapegoat for their theft of the real wealth (land, gold, property etc) of the world via the global fiat fractional reserve banking system over the past 100+ years because they can no longer prop the fraud up and would LOVE to use President Trump as that fall guy.

If history tell us anything its that whenever these bankster gangster families are in need of a cover for the reason the economy is tanking when they promised to keep it steady... WAR is inevitable. 

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